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Frank van der Helm: De Opkomst van een Nieuwe Stem in de Nederlands Muziekwereld

Presentatie Frank van der Helm

frank van der helm

Frank van der Helm is a well-known Dutch entrepreneur, author, speaker, and trainer. He is mostly recognized for his expertise in effective communication, leadership, and stress management. Frank has been helping individuals and organizations for over 20 years, and his skills have been widely recognized across Europe.

Early Life and Education:

Frank van der Helm was born in Delft, Netherlands, in 1966. His father was a businessman, and his mother was a housewife. Frank has always been interested in communication and leadership, and he chose to study these subjects at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and his master’s degree in Communications.


After completing his education, Frank started his career as a communication consultant at a marketing agency in Rotterdam. He worked there for four years before deciding to start his own business. In 1996, he founded his company, Van der Helm Communications, which specializes in effective communication, leadership, and stress management.

Frank’s company quickly gained recognition in the industry and soon became one of the leading firms in the Netherlands. He worked with many big-name clients, such as Philips, KLM, and Shell. Frank developed his own unique approach to communication, which he named the ‘Van der Helm Method.’ This method is focused on active listening, empathy, and building rapport with the audience.

In addition to running his successful coaching business, Frank has also authored several books on communication and stress management. His most notable books include ‘Stress, You Can Handle It,’ ‘Effective Communication: The Van der Helm Method,’ and ‘Leadership, It’s a Choice.’ These books have been widely praised for their practical approach and easy-to-understand language.

Frank is also a highly sought-after keynote speaker and trainer. He has delivered speeches and training programs across Europe, and his expertise has been recognized by numerous professional organizations. Frank’s speeches and training programs are known for their energy and interactivity. He uses a variety of techniques, such as audience participation, storytelling, and humor, to keep his audience engaged.


Frank van der Helm’s philosophy is centered around the idea that effective communication is the key to success in life and business. He believes that communication is not just about speaking but also about listening, understanding, and building rapport with the audience.

Frank’s approach is based on empathy and active listening. He believes that by understanding the audience’s needs and concerns, one can tailor their message in a way that resonates with them. Frank’s method also focuses on building trust and credibility with the audience through authentic and transparent communication.

In addition to his focus on communication, Frank is also a proponent of stress management. He believes that stress is a natural part of life, and it is essential to learn how to manage it effectively. Frank’s method of stress management is focused on developing resilience and emotional intelligence. He teaches his clients how to recognize and manage their emotions to reduce stress and achieve their goals.


Q: What are Frank van der Helm’s qualifications?

A: Frank van der Helm has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a master’s degree in Communications from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

Q: What is the Van der Helm Method?

A: The Van der Helm Method is Frank van der Helm’s unique approach to communication. It is focused on active listening, empathy, and building rapport with the audience.

Q: What are some of Frank van der Helm’s books?

A: Frank van der Helm has authored several books on communication and stress management. His most notable books include ‘Stress, You Can Handle It,’ ‘Effective Communication: The Van der Helm Method,’ and ‘Leadership, It’s a Choice.’

Q: How does Frank van der Helm approach stress management?

A: Frank van der Helm’s method of stress management is focused on developing resilience and emotional intelligence. He teaches his clients how to recognize and manage their emotions to reduce stress and achieve their goals.

Q: What makes Frank van der Helm’s speeches and training programs unique?

A: Frank van der Helm’s speeches and training programs are known for their energy and interactivity. He uses a variety of techniques, such as audience participation, storytelling, and humor, to keep his audience engaged.

Q: What is Frank van der Helm’s philosophy?

A: Frank van der Helm’s philosophy is centered around the idea that effective communication is the key to success in life and business. He believes that communication is not just about speaking but also about listening, understanding, and building rapport with the audience.

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